2022 TEDxYouth@DúnLaoghaire

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Speakers from many different counties in Ireland will be inspiring our audience both on Friday 28th October and online once the official videos have been uplpoaded to the TEDxTalks global platform.


11:30 am - 2:00 pm
The Studio, dlr LexIcon


The Studio, dlr LexIcon
Haigh Terrace, Moran Park, Dún Laoghaire, Co. Dublin, A96 H283, Ireland
  • Doors open for registration at 11.00am
  • Theatre doors open for seating from 11.30am
  • Audience fully seated by 11.45am
  • Doors close 11.55am sharp
  • Event and filming begins at 12 noon
  • Strictly no late admittance
  • Late arrivals only after the interval
This is a live event with talks being professionally recorded.  We politely request no photography or filming as this could be distracting for our speakers.

Curious? Don’t miss your chance to attend these one-of-a-kind events. Each event is limited to 100 guests.


Oct 28 2022

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